Self Test

Do you remember the meanings of the characters below? Move your mouse over a character to have its meaning displayed.

She, her Eye Very, really
Big, large Also, too I, me
He, him Hand No, not

Do you remember the meanings of the combinations below? Move your mouse over a combination to have its meaning displayed.

人手 Manpower 也好 Alright; may as well 不好 Bad
他人 Other people 好手 A good hand; a master at something 大人 Adult

Try to read and translate the statements below. Move your mouse over the s to check your translations.

你好吗? How are you?
我很好。你呢? I'm very well. How about you?
我也很好。 I'm very well too.
人人好吗? Is everybody ok?
女大人人口大不大? Is the female adult population large? Are there a lot of adult females?
Please Repeat Lesson 1 Self Test before you Go To Lesson 3.
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