
Memoric Acid

88-10-01, 89-10-22, 91-01-16, 01-10-29
I looked up and there you were
all my dreams
and some I never dreamed
and the hopes
the ones I couldn't hope
that had no hope.
the whole experience took me by surprise.
Please see my eyes and know I love you
and your gentleness
You are an extremely attractive woman
but I do not watch you
with the lust of adolescence
nor do I stare
at the beauty which culture recognizes as profound
I see only your aura of tenderness and warmth
humanity and compassion
You're the kind of person
who could be
anything she wanted to be
and for your friendship and love,
to be in your thoughts
I would share all that I am
I reach out to you across the miles
and touch you
hold you in my thoughts
and more than this
I feel certain feelings
no one ever made me happier than you
your readiness to listen
and talk far into the night
no one offered me more adventure
and gentleness
and freedom
Not really able to believe that we found eachother
all I know is that truth is worth the risk
that love does exist
and that a day or a night with you
was worth the pain
of your departure.
and that the feelings shared
which began so shyly
so very cautiously
could last forever
Finally I understand the loss of you
and why feel crippled
by the distance between us
No one ever treated me like you do
cared as much
gave as much
asked as little
No one ever looked at me as you did.
I can't replace your eyes
your smile
or the sheer joy of your presence
And I care for you
as much as anyone in the world
has ever cared
because I finally understand.
© Copyright 1988, 1989, 1991, 2001 Sheppard <sheppard @ cs.unm.edu> Contact the author for publication permission.