C++ Reference

Variable Types


This is the smallest type in C, and is constrained to be at least 8-bits, or one byte.  This is most typically used for actual typed characters, and each of the values herein can be represented as some character in ASCII code.  Sometimes, arrays or pointers to these are used for string processing, specifically in C programs.
The range of this variable is -127 to 128, if signed, or 0 to 255 if unsigned (2^8).
This is defined to be at least double the size of a char variable, and at least 16-bits, at most this can be the size of an int, but it is supposed to be one half the bits of an int, or 16 bits, which ever is more.  This is most typically used as a wide-char (wchar, ctype.h), or an international character.  Though it is just a generally good value for small variables.
The range of this variable is -32    if signed, or 0 to 65536 if unsigned (2^16).

An int is one of the most basic types in C.  This is equivalent to the general purpose register size on the target machine.  This is usually 32-bits, but on old machines can be 16-bits, and on new machines, this can be 64-bits.  Usually though, it is 32 bits, and if the machine has 64-bit registers, then these are usually referred to as longs.
Ints can be operated on using arithmetic operations, bitwise operations or just about anything else.  They are an actual representation of a register in the target machine, and are therefore stored exactly how the machine would store the number.  This means that negative numbers will look very strange if looked at in their pure bit forms.
These are the default type in C/C++ for a variable, so in an implicit function declaration, this will be the type that the compiler will assume that the function returns.