Project 2
Due: Thursday June 28, Midnight
Write an employee tracking program. Effectively what this means is that you have to write a program that will take an employee name (string, first and last name), id number (integer), salary per year (double), and title (string), and store them away, then, ask the user if he/she would like to make any changes to the input, should they answer yes, then the program will allow the user to modify the entry (if the input is nothing (i.e. only a newline) then leave the entry unchanged). Your program should accept either yes, y, no, or n as valid for the answer to the question. Following this, the program will output the employee information in a readable format... If the employee's title is Manager, the user may not edit the entry.
Example 1:
% tracker
Name: David Johnson
Id: 35718
Salary: $56078.98
Title: Manager
Would you like to modify this entry (yes/no)?
I am sorry, Managers may not be modified...
Employee Information
Name: David Johnson
Id: 35718
Salary: $56078.98
Title: Manager
Example 2:
% tracker
Name: Thomas Fields
Id: 15243
Salary: 36519.00
Title: Programmer
Would you like to modify this entry (yes/no)?
Modify Data, leaving entry blank will not change the information:
Id: 15244
Employee Information
Name: Thomas Fields
Id: 15244
Salary: $36519.00
Title: Programmer