Yie-sheng(Jimmy) chen

1200 Avenida Cesar Chavez SE, Albuquerque, NM 87106 · 505-313-5102

tallpik3@unm.edu · linkedin.com/in/yie-sheng-chen-36545076/

Interested in Prof. Patrick G. Bridges’ Spring RA position on developing performance models and scheduling algorithms for large-scale computing systems.


Jan 2019 – June 2021

R&D Engineer in Cloud infrastructure, ASUSTek Computer Inc.

Participated in planning and implementing a Proof-of-concept ceph storage system for AT&T:

Studied CQSim paper and Ceph crush paper to find a possible way to implement partitioned placement strategy, etc.

Implemented object, block and multi-site object storage for Taiwania2 supercomputer expansion phase 3: Deployed a 20PB+ Suse Enterprise Storage 5.5 through Ansible and Deepsea and troubleshoot the deployment process.

Aug 2017 – Dec 2018

R&D Engineer in Computer vision and Deep Learning, ASUSTEK COMPUTER INC.

Collaborated with a team of 12 people to optimize an open source face feature extraction model: training data collection from youtube and labeling and filtering data (utilized a proprietary face recognition system through python RESTful API). Surveyed related papers and conducted experiments on various facial attributes related tasks that include: blurriness classification, face emotion classification by fine-tuning pre-trained Facenet, face pitch angle estimation by fine-tuning and distilling pre-trained Facenet, and face detection and pitch estimation through fine-tuning SSD.



July 2021-present

Phd computer science, University of new mexico

Courses: Compiler, Mobile computing, Experi. method

Aug 2011-May 2013

M.S. Computer engineering, University of florida

Courses: Adv. Data Structure, Compu. Architecture Principles

Technical Skills

·       Programming languages: Python, Golang, C, Java, JavaScript, Shell script

·       Other tools and systems: Ceph, Ansible, Salt, k8s, RabbitMQ, docker, git, Android open source project, Meld, Prometheus, Node-exporter

·       Deep learning frameworks: Tensorflow


I enjoyed jogging as exercise and also as a way to settle my mind. I was a member of the computer science badminton team in undergrad.