x * ((y * z) \ x) = (x / z) * (y \ x) # label("middle Bol").
Last updated: October 23, 2023
From previous results, it suffices to show
a(x,y,a(z,u,a(w,v5,v6))) = 1 # label("nil3 32, aa3-Nr").
Here is the original proof.
a(x \ 1,y,z \ 1) = a(x,y,z) # label("mbol lem01"). a(x \ 1,y,z) = a(x,y,z \ 1) # label("mbol lem02"). a(x,y \ 1,z) = a(x,y,z) \ 1 # label("mbol lem03"). a(x,y \ 1,z) = a(z,y,x) # label("mbol lem04"). a(x,y,z \ 1) = a(z,y,x) # label("mbol lem05"). a(x,y,z) * a(z,y,x) = 1 # label("mbol lem06"). a(x,y,z * x) = a(x,y,z) # label("mbol lem07"). a(x * y,z,x) = a(y,z,x) # label("mbol lem08"). a(x,y,a(z,u * u,w)) = a(x,y,a(z,w,u)) # label("mbol lem09"). a(x,y,a(z,u,w * w)) = a(x,y,a(z,w,u)) # label("mbol lem10"). a(x,y,a(z,u,w * (w * (w * w)))) = a(x,y,a(z,u,w)) # label("mbol lem11"). a(x,y,a(z,u * (u * (u * u)),w)) = a(x,y,a(z,u,w)) # label("mbol lem12").
a(x,y,z) * a(x,y,z) = a(x * x,y,z) # label("a squared 1"). a(x,y,z) * a(x,y,z) = a(x,y,z * z) # label("a squared 3").
L(x,y,z) = x * a(x,y,z) # label("mbol_L2a"). R(x,y,z) = x * a(x,y,z) # label("mbol_R2a").
a(a(x,y,z),x,w) = 1 # label("aa1{x1/x4}").suffices to prove
R(x,y,z) = x * a(x,y,z) # label("Rxa").
That is, without assuming middle Bol or aK1.
I am working on bringing this section up to date ...
Here are two lemmas that Michael suggests might be helpful.
((x / (u \ y)) \ (x / y)) * ((x / (v \ y)) \ (x / y)) = (x / ((v * u) \ y)) \ (x / y) # label("mbol_lem1"). ((x \ y) / ((x / v) \ y)) * ((x \ y) / ((x / u) \ y)) = (x \ y) / ((x / (u * v)) \ y) # label("mbol_lem2").
a(a(x,y,z),u * u,w) = 1 # label("aa1_sq4").
From previous results, it suffices to prove nil3 24.
We already have that nil3 24 suffices (in, out, pf, xml), so to confirm the others, it suffices to prove nil3 24. The following proofs include the 4 aK (single a) goals as assumptions, which are lemmas when middle Bol is assumed.
Proof of nil3 25: (in, out, pf, xml)
Proof of nil3 26: (in, out, pf, xml)
Proof of nil3 27: (in, out, pf, xml)
Proof of nil3 28: (in, out, pf, xml)
Proof of nil3 29: (in, out, pf, xml)
Proof of nil3 30: (in, out, pf, xml)
Proof of nil3 31: (in, out, pf, xml)
Proof of nil3 32: (in, out, pf, xml)
Below we show the result (for the 120 even permutations of aa1_eq_aa3 and aa2_eq_aa3, which suffices) when assuming the 32 nil3 clauses. Michael has the result without the nil3 assumptions.
In the followng, "rsv-instances" refers to instances formed by renaming a single variable.
This is a single proof of the conjunction of the 10 goals.
This is a single proof of the conjunction of the 10 goals.
This is a single proof of the conjunction of the 10 goals.
This is a single proof of the conjunction of the 30 goals.
status : proved with no lemmas
status : proved with lemmas lemmas : 4 single-a goals posted AIM lemmas cb100 lemmas
30instances.pf_1 (large file)
Eliminating the cb100 lemmas,
status : proved with lemmas lemmas : 4 single-a goals posted AIM lemmas
30instances.pf_2 (large file)
Sfdf derivations from axioms of some of the 30 instances:
aa1{x1/x2}: (in, out, pf, xml)aa1{x1/x4}: (in, out, pf, xml)
aa1{x1/x5}: (in, out, pf, xml)
aa2{x1/x2}: (in, out, pf, xml)
aa3{x1/x2}: (in, out, pf, xml)
status : 120/240 proved with lemmas (60/120 permutations of each) lemmas : 4 single-a goals nil3 clauses instances of the aa goals by renaming a single variable posted AIM lemmas cb100 lemmas
120aaeq.pf (large file)Note that the aa1_eq_aa2 case is implied.
status : proved 180 with lemmas (60/120 permutations of each) lemmas : permutations of aa1_eq_aa3 and aa2_eq_aa3
180aaperms.pfNote that 120aaeq.sos depends on both middle Bol and nil3.
The current status is that there is a high-level mathematical argument that AIM loops are nilpotent of class 3, but we do not yet have a Prover9 proof. An intermediate goal is to prove it assuming middle Bol as an extra assumption.
We know from posted lemmas that middle Bol => the 23/32 nil3 clauses having at least one occurrence of K. It remains to prove the 9/32 having 0 occurrences of K.
Here is a proof that it suffices to prove just one of the 9, for example,
a(a(a(x,y,z),u,w),v5,v6) = 1 # label("nil3 24, aa1-Nl").Proof: (in, out, pf, xml)
Here, for example, are the 60/120 missing permutations of aa1_eq_aa3.
Note that assuming, for example, the single clause
a(a(x,y,z),u,w) = a(x,y,a(z,w,u)) # label("aa1_eq_aa3 (12354)").suffices to prove the remaining 59/60. It also suffices to prove all 360 aa permutations.