[Lisp] is the only computer language that is beautiful. - Neal Stephenson
I'd rather write programs to write programs than write programs. -D. Sites
What I cannot create I do not understand. - R. Feynman
Name: Josh Ridens
Email: jridens@unm.edu
Name: Zhu Li
Email: zhuli@unm.edu
Office Hours: Tues. 2:00-3:30, Wed. 4:00-5:30
Office: ECE 332
Name: Munna
Email: abdrahaman005@unm.edu
Office Hours: Tues. 11:15-12:45, Thurs. 11:15-12:45
Office: Travelstead B27
We will use the Racket Scheme implementation, which is principled and fast enough for our purposes. You probably will want to use GNU Emacs as your editor. I do. Or use XEmacs if you prefer. The brief GNU Emacs Reference Card can be helpful. If you want to run Racket from inside Emacs, you will want to include these definitions in a file called .emacs in your home directory. Later in the course, when we study Haskell, we will use the GHC implementation.
The R5RS Manual describes the Scheme standard. Teach Yourself Scheme in Fixnum Days by Dorai Sitaram is also useful. Finally, The Scheme Programming Language: ANSI Scheme by R. Kent Dybvig, (2nd Edition, Prentice Hall, 1996) is available online in its entirety.
** Subject to change
*** All assignments are due at the assigned times. The TA may,
but is not obligated to, accept late submissions at a penalty of no
less than 10% per 24 hours late.