;; The following definition for amb and the Kalotan Puzzle
example are from Teach
Yourself Scheme in Fixnum Days by Dorai Sitaram.
(define amb-fail '())
(define initialize-amb-fail
(lambda ()
(set! amb-fail
(lambda ()
(error "amb tree exhausted")))))
(define-macro amb
(lambda alts
`(let ((+prev-amb-fail amb-fail))
(lambda (+sk)
,@(map (lambda (alt)
(lambda (+fk)
(set! amb-fail
(lambda ()
(set! amb-fail +prev-amb-fail)
(+fk 'fail)))
(+sk ,alt))))
(define assert
(lambda (pred)
(if (not pred) (amb))))
;; The Kalotans are a tribe with a peculiar quirk. Their males always
;; tell the truth. Their females never make two consecutive true
;; statements, or two consecutive untrue statements. An anthropologist
;; (let's call him Worf) has begun to study them. Worf does not yet know
;; the Kalotan language. One day, he meets a Kalotan (heterosexual)
;; couple and their child Kibi. Worf asks Kibi: ``Are you a boy?'' Kibi
;; answers in Kalotan, which of course Worf doesn't understand. Worf
;; turns to the parents (who know English) for explanation. One of them
;; says: ``Kibi said: `I am a boy.' '' The other adds: ``Kibi is a
;; girl. Kibi lied.'' Solve for the sex of the parents and Kibi.
(define solve-kalotan-puzzle
(lambda ()
(let ((parent1 (amb 'm 'f))
(parent2 (amb 'm 'f))
(kibi (amb 'm 'f))
(kibi-self-desc (amb 'm 'f))
(kibi-lied? (amb #t #f)))
(distinct? (list parent1 parent2)))
(if (eq? kibi 'm)
(not kibi-lied?)
(if kibi-lied?
(and (eq? kibi-self-desc 'm)
(eq? kibi 'f))
(and (eq? kibi-self-desc 'f)
(eq? kibi 'm)))
(if (not kibi-lied?)
(and (eq? kibi-self-desc 'm)
(eq? kibi 'm))
(and (eq? kibi-self-desc 'f)
(eq? kibi 'f)))
(if (eq? parent1 'm)
(eq? kibi-self-desc 'm)
(and (eq? kibi 'f)
(not kibi-lied?))
(and (eq? kibi 'm)
(if (eq? parent1 'f)
(eq? kibi 'f)
(list parent1 parent2 kibi))))
(define distinct?
(lambda (ls)
(if (null? ls)
(and (not (member (car ls) (cdr ls)))
(distinct? (cdr ls))))))
(define xor
(lambda (x y)
(if x (not y) y)))