CS 591: Topics in Human and Computer Vision
Instructor: Lance Williams
Time: Wed. Fri. 9:00-10:00 AM
Location: FEC 141
The subject of this graduate seminar will be human and computer
vision. The list of topics to be covered is flexible and may evolve to
acommodate the interests of the seminar participants. Possible topics
- Models of human visual information processing. Especially models
of perceptual completion, saliency, and grouping. Structure and
function of the visual pathway. Models of ocular dominance and
orientation preference structure in visual cortex.
- Psychophysics. What exactly can our eyes and brain do? How long
does it take? Does performance improve with practice? Does improved
performance transfer to other tasks? A sample of recent conference and
journal papers will help you form an opinion about whether or not
computer vision has anything to learn from psychophysics and vice
- Discussion of classic (and some recent) papers in computer
vision. Possible topics include object recognition, stereo
correspondence, optical flow, structure from motion, and shape from
texture and shading.
Reading List
Adelson, E.H., Lightness perception
and lightness illusions, The New Cognitive Neurosciences,
2nd ed., Gazzaniga (ed.), MIT Press, pp. 339-351, 2000.
Olhausen, B.A. and Field, D.J., Natural image statistics and efficient
coding, Network: Computation in Neural Systems 7,
pp. 333-339, 1996.
Boldt, M., Weiss, R., and Riseman, E.,
Token based extraction of straight lines, IEEE Trans. on System
Man and Cybernetics 19(6), pp. 1581-1594, 1989.
Daugman, J.G., Uncertainty relation for
resolution in space, spatial frequency, and orientation optimized by
two-dimensional visual cortical filters, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A
2(7), pp. 1160-1169, 1985.
- Salinas, E. and Abbott, L.F., Do simple
cells in visual cortex form a tight frame?, Neural
Computation 12, pp. 313-336, 2002.
- Hess, R.F., Beaudot, W.H.A., Mullen, K.T., Dynamics of contour
integration, Vision Research 41, pp. 1023-1037, 2001.
- Ruderman, D.L., The statistics of
natural images, Network: Computation in Neural Systems 5,
pp. 517-548, 1994.
Sun, J. Y. and Perona, P., Where is the sun?,
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 37(4), pp. 4283,
Koulakov, A.A. and Chklovskii, D.B., Orientation preference maps in
mammalian visual cortex: A wire length minimization approach,
Neuron 29(2), pp. 519-527, 2001.
- Bell, A.J. and Sejnowski, T.J., Edges are the `independent
components' of natural scenes, Neural Information Processing
Systems 10, MIT Press.
- Marr, D., Vision: A computational investigation into the human
representation and processing of visual information, Freeman,
1980. Chapters 1-4, 7.
Field, D.J., Hayes, A. and Hess R.F.,
Contour integration by the human visual system: Evidence for a local
"association field," Vision Research 33(2), pp. 173-193, 1993.
Richards, W., The approach, Natural
Computation, Richards (ed.), pp. 3-13, 1988.
Herault, L. and Horaud, R., Figure-ground discrimination: A
combinatorial optimization approach, IEEE Trans. on Pattern
Analysis and Machine Intelligence 15(9), pp. 899-914, 1993.
- Kovacs, I. and Julesz, B., A closed curve is much more than an
incomplete one: Effect of closure on figure-ground segmentation,
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 90, pp. 7495-7497, 1993.
- Gray, C.M., Synchronous oscillations in neuronal systems:
mechanisms and functions, Computational Neuroscience 1,
pp. 11-38, 1994.
- Fermueller, C. and Aloimonos, Y., Direct perception of
three-dimensional motion from patterns of visual motion, Science
270, pp. 1973-1976, 1995.
Swindale, N.V., Visual cortex: Looking into a Klein
bottle, Current Biology 6(7), pp. 776-779.
He, Z.J. and Ooi, T.L., Illusory contour
formation affected by luminance contrast polarity, Perception
27, pp. 313-335, 1998.
- Witkin, A.P. and Tenenbaum, J.M., On the role of structure in
vision, Human and Machine Vision, Beck, Hope, and Rosenfeld
(eds.), pp. 481-542, Academic Press, 1983.
Ringach, D.L. and Shapley, R., Spatial
and temporal properties of illusory contours and amodal boundary
completion, Vision Research 36(19), pp. 3037-3050, 1996.
Land, E.H. and McCann, J.J., Lightness
and retinex theory, Natural Computation, Richards (ed.),
pp. 177-193, 1988.
von der Heydt, R., Peterhans, E. and
Baumgartner, G., Illusory contours and cortical neuron response,
Science 224, pp. 1260-1262, 1984.
- Parent, P. and Zucker, S.W., Trace inference, curvature
consistency, and curve detection, IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis
and Machine Intelligence 11(8), pp. 823-839, 1989.
Williams, L.R. and Hanson, A.R.,
Perceptual completion of occluded surfaces, Computer Vision and
Image Understanding 64(1), pp. 1-20, 1996.
Williams, L.R. and Jacobs, D.W., Stochastic completion fields: A neural model of
illusory contour shape and salience, Neural Computation
9(4), pp. 837-858, 1997.
Williams, L.R., Zweck, J.W., Wang,
T. and Thornber, K.K., Computing stochastic
completion fields in linear-time using a resolution pyramid,
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 76(3), pp. 289-297, 1999.