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Chapter 5

page 181 last line, add minus sign: -90.0
page 185 Figure 5.20 (b) and (c) add minus sign: z=-d
page 185 last line, add minus sign: tex2html_wrap_inline97
page 186, first equation, add minus sign: tex2html_wrap_inline99
page 186, second equation, add minus sign: tex2html_wrap_inline101
page 186, last equation, change -1 in third line of array to 1, change 1/d in last line to -1/d
page 187 first equation remove fourth line (y) from array
page 187 second equation, remove minus sign to bottom line: -z/d
page 187 second equation, add minus sign from third line: z
page 187 third and fourth equations, add minus sign in front of left side tex2html_wrap_inline107 and tex2html_wrap_inline109
page 187 last equation: add minus signs in front of top two terms in array tex2html_wrap_inline111 and tex2html_wrap_inline113
page 187 last line: be made
page 190 Figure 5.25 Change tex2html_wrap_inline115 to tex2html_wrap_inline117 (three times) and tex2html_wrap_inline119 to tex2html_wrap_inline121
page 190 line 5 change second xmin to zmin: ...zmin,zmax)
page 191 Figure 5.27 Change tex2html_wrap_inline115 to tex2html_wrap_inline117 (twice) and tex2html_wrap_inline119 to tex2html_wrap_inline121 twice
page 191 line of code, change second xmin to zmin: gluOrtho2D(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax)
page 195 second paragraph, add u: gluLookAt
page 195 second line from bottom: Section 5.3
page 198 second line: need to do
page 199 6th line: change ; to .
page 200 footnote: swap words positive and negative in the first two sentences
page 201 add minus sign to third row third column of matrix: -2
page 202 second line in 5.8.1, add minus: z=-1
page 202 array in 5.8.1: change -1 in third row to 1 and 1 in fourth row to -1
page 205 middle of page: remove a top view of
page 207 9th line from bottom: change ; to ,

Ed Angel
Tue Nov 19 08:18:05 MST 1996