CSSC 2022 Keynote


Amitabh Trehan

Prof. Amitabh Trehan is an Associate Professor in the Computer Science department at Durham University, UK, where he heads the NESTiD (Network Engineering Science and Theory in Durham) research group. Amitabh did his PhD from the University of New Mexico with Prof. Jared Saia on the topic of Self-healing Networks. He followed those up with postdocs at U. Victoria, Canada, Technion and Hebrew University, Israel, before moving to the UK.

Amitabh’s main research interests center around designing efficient algorithms and reasoning about multi-agent dynamic scenarios. This has led to work on distributed algorithms in static scenarios (e.g. Leader Election, Amnesiac flooding), and on dynamic/fault-tolerance scenarios, particularly on Self-Healing algorithms. His general field of interest is Theoretical Computer Science and Algorithm design. Amitabh also works in algorithmic game theory and actively explores the interconnections between distributed computing, game theory and also other computation models in Theoretical Computer Science. Though his tools are theoretical and mathematical, he often seeks inspiration from and applications in the exciting worlds of, for example, Internet of Things, Peer-to-Peer Networks, Social Networks and their implications, Security and Resilience, Software Defined Networking, and Large Scale Networks.

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