Self Test

Do you remember the meanings of the characters below? Move your mouse over a character to have its meaning displayed.

East Too (excessive); a term of respect Sun; day
Door 西 West Mother
Tree, wood A suffix used to make pronouns and person-related nouns plural. Want; will; important; if

Do you remember the meanings of the combinations below? Move your mouse over a combination to have its meaning displayed.

大门 Front door 大妈 Aunt, auntie; title for an elderly woman 我们 We, us
他们 Them, They 日子 Day; life 太子 Crown prince
人们 People, the public 他日 Some other day 你们 You (plural), yall
要好 To be on good terms 她们 Them, they (female only) 妈妈 Mommy
太太 Mrs., wife 东西 Thing 要不 If not

Try to read and translate the statements below. Move your mouse over the s to check your translations.

我太太不太好。 My wife is not too well.
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