Set-up your workspace within Eclipse and create a HelloWorld.javaGoals
- TA Introduction
- Monty Hall
- Class details
- (re)Become familiar with Eclipse and programming in Java
- Create a directory for CS351 Labs in your workspace
- Write a
Fire up Eclipse (if you are on your own machine and don't have it installed or want the latest version, visit the Eclipse download page) and create a new Java Project titled CS351Labs. If you like the standard package naming convention, create a new package under /src/ and name it lab1. Then create a new HelloWorld java class with a main() method stub. Play around and code a simple java program that prints "Hello World." or something of the like to the console.
Note: these are just suggested naming conventions for the directory path in which to place your work done in this lab. I tend to be an organization freak but feel free to follow/stray as close to/far from these suggestions as you wish.