CS351 - Design of Large Programs - Professor Ackley

Tuesday and Thursday: 11:00am - 12:15pm (Centennial B146) Labs: Monday (001) 1:00pm - 1:50pm and Thursday (005) 12:30pm - 1:20pm (Centennial B146)

Lab #4: UML

Build a full UML class diagram containing only pertinent information.


  • Go over UML standards
  • Draw a UML class diagram based on the class architecture found in the provided UML.jar
  • Only include important information based on the given application description
  • Turn in a hard copy by the end of the lab



UML (Unified Modeling Language) is a way to graphically diagram the relationship between classes in a software application class structure. Like Professor Ackley mentioned in class, an important part of UML is not to encapsulate all of the information involved in the structure, but instead, just include the relevant information needed for the implementation at hand. Check out the notes from "The Exploding Class" lecture for an example.


Build a UML diagram for the class structure given in the UML.jar. More specifically, the UML diagram should be made with the following application in mind:

Your boss needs you to create a widget for Google Maps that displays the residing location of Americans and calculates the average distance Americans live from Washington, D.C.

Your UML diagram should only incorporate methods, variables and classes that relate to this specific application. No classes need to be created by you, even though the implementation may need them. The UML diagram should just contain (or not contain) those classes inside of the UML.jar.

Turn in a hand-drawn UML class diagram before leaving.