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Dissertation defense: Alyshia Bustos

March 5, 2025

Student Name: Alyshia Bustos
Program: PhD Computer Science
Date: Wednesday 3/12/25
Time: 8:15 am
Place: Farris 3100
Committee Chair: Dr. Leah Buechley

Exploring Learning Affordances of Interactive Murals

by Alyshia Bustos

B.S., Computer Science, University of New Mexico, 2020
M.S., Computer Science, University of New Mexico, 2021
Ph.D., Computer Science, University of New Mexico, 2025


Interactive murals are a new technology that blend traditional mural painting and embedded electronics. My work contrasts traditional STEAM projects by introducing youth to programming, building electronics, and interaction design principles within the context of designing and constructing interactive murals. Accordingly my dissertation addresses the following: 1) How can we integrate traditional mural practices and ubiquitous computing in an interactive mural, 2) What do students learn when they are provided opportunities to act as designers of an interactive mural, and 3) How can we design learning activities that support youth as interaction designers?

To address my research questions, I first conducted technical tests to determine suitable materials for constructing interactive murals that will be permanently located outdoors, which would be subject to extreme weather. I then collaborated with a professional muralist, Nanibah Chacon, to design and construct the first interactive mural. We developed a workflow that we would later employ in a workshop with youth. I co-taught a workshop with Nanibah, in which we designed and constructed an interactive mural with diverse youth, where they learned how to program and build with electronics. Expanding on this workshop, I conducted interactive mural workshop that further introduced interaction design principles to youth. This work is significant because it introduces a new and creative pathway for diverse youth to gain technological literacy and competency while making a real-world impact on their local communities.